How to embed maps into a web page
What content can go in the footer
Adding social media feeds to a web page
List of symbols for psychedelic art and nature
A gallery of visual tips for Adobe Illustrator
Setting up the config settings for Decap CMS
Using the brush and pencil tools in Illustrator and manipulating strokes
How to use colour in Illustrator
How to create Patterns in Illustrator
Different methods for creating 3D text in Illustrator
The different types of clipping masks in Illustrator
Big list of Adobe Illustrator tips inc. shortcuts, guides, artboards, rotate, reflect, reshape, scale, shear, perspective grid, width tool and gradient mesh.
Notes on my new Search page
Trying out Baguette Box JS image gallery.
My notes on using EXIFtool, a small app for editing metadata
Some notes on creating Progressive Web Apps.
Story of the missing tags
Article about James Litz’s 2013 route, Peruvian Necktie, recently upgraded to 9b by second ascentionist Jonathon Siegrist
Some notes and examples of aligning things in CSS.
This is a page for experimenting with image galleries