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Footer Content

Updated on
Last site update: 8 May 2024

What kind of info can be stored in the footer?

These should be grouped in a logical way.

  1. Contact details
    1. address
    2. phone
    3. email
  2. contact form
  3. Social media links (these are not share links)
    1. Facebook
    2. Linked In
    3. Twitter
    4. Google+
    5. Tumblr
    6. Pinterest
    7. GitHub
    8. GitLab
    9. BitBucket
    10. Codepen
    11. Dev.to
    12. Hashnode
    13. Twitch.tv
    14. Mastodon
    15. Micro blog
    16. Discord
  4. Other owned sites like a blog
  5. RSS feed
  6. Sign up link (to email list?)
  7. Sitemap link
  8. copyright info
  9. Terms of serice
  10. Terms of use - general rules and guidelines on using a website or your products.
  11. Privacy policy: how a company will use and protect their sensitive data and other information.
  12. A menu of the website’s main sections/pages
  13. a search box
  14. link to the top of the page
  15. login link

FireArt best practices:

  1. Try to create a great visual hierarchy,
  2. Be attentive to the white spaces, and
  3. Separate your footer from the main content.