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Firefox Viewsource CSS

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Last site update: 8 May 2024

So the idea was to change the CSS when viewing the source code of a web page in Firefox into a darker theme.

The easiest and best way to do this was to use a plugin called Nightviewer.

So this requires several steps:

  1. Locate the right folder
  2. Edit CSS
  3. Enable Legacy Profile Customizations
  4. Restart Firefox

I couldn’t get this to work but anyway here goes.

1. Locate the folder

In the firefox address bar type about:support

Look for Profile Folder and click on Open Folder.

Look for the file userContent.css

2. Edit the CSS

This is the CSS which comes from Mozilla Support question:

 1@-moz-document url-prefix(view-source:) {
 3	*|*:root {
 4		background: none !important;
 5	}
 7	#viewsource {
 8		font-family: "Roboto Mono", Inconsolata, "Source Code Pro", SFMono-Regular, Menlo, Monaco, Consolas, "Liberation Mono", "Courier New", monospace, -moz-fixed !important;
 9		line-height: 1.5em;
10		background-image:
11		url(https://farm9.staticflickr.com/8536/8680613751_71ef92bbdb_o_d.jpg),
12		linear-gradient(to right, #002b36d0, #002b36d0, #000000d0),
13		linear-gradient(#00000040 50%, transparent 50%);
14		background-size: cover, cover, auto 3em;
15		background-position: center, center, top 10px left 0;
16		background-attachment: fixed, fixed, scroll;
17		background-repeat: no-repeat, no-repeat, repeat-y;
18		background-blend-mode: overlay, normal, normal;
19		color: #839496;
20	}
22	pre[id]:before,
23	span[id]:before {
24		width: 6ch !important;
25		color: #586e75 !important;
26		margin-left: -7ch !important;
27	}
28	pre {
29		padding-left: 1ch;
30		margin-left: 6ch !important;
31		border-left: 2px solid #073642;
32	}
33	pre > :first-child {
34		padding-right: 1ch;
35	}
37	.highlight .start-tag {
38	 color: #d33682 !important;
39	}
40	.highlight .end-tag {
41	 color: #d33682 !important;
42	}
43	.highlight .comment {
44	 color: #586e75 !important;
45	}
46	.highlight .cdata {
47	 color: #cb4b16 !important;
48	}
49	.highlight .doctype {
50	 color: #268be2 !important;
51	}
52	.highlight .pi {
53	 color: #268be2 !important; /* orchid -> blue */
54	}
55	.highlight .entity {
56	 color: #b58900 !important; /* violet -> yellow */
57	}
58	.highlight .attribute-name {
59	 color: #93a1a1 !important;
60	}
61	.highlight .attribute-value {
62	 color: #2aa198 !important;
63	 text-shadow: 1px 1px 2px black;
64	}
65	.highlight .markupdeclaration {
66	 color: #859900 !important;
67	}
68	.highlight .error,
69	.highlight .error > :-moz-any(.start-tag, .end-tag, .comment, .cdata, .doctype,
70	.pi, .entity, .attribute-name, .attribute-value) {
71		color: #002b36 !important;
72		background-color: #dc322f !important;
73	}

3. Enable Legacy Profile Customizations

Open about:config and make sure this setting: toolkit.legacyUserProfileCustomizations.stylesheets is set to true

4. Restart Firefox

And you’re done. Except it hasn’t worked for me.