Archetypes with Template Logic
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Last site update: 8 May 2024
So this page was generated with the following template code at the bottom of the archetypes/ file:
1## Latest Code posts
3{{ range first 10 ( where .Site.RegularPages "Section" "code" ) }}
4* [{{ .Title }}]({{ .Permalink }})
5{{ end }}
I couldn’t get the spacing of the list items right despite trying with {{- range -}}
So it produced a list with gaps:
1* [Testpage](
3* [Try With Template Logic](
5* [Page Resources](
7* [New Image Shortcode](
9// etc.
I’ve deleted these spaces below because they annoy me.
Presumably you could use HTML if HTML is allowed in the config OR perhaps simply call a shortcode in.
The docs warn:
the site will only be built if the .Site is in use in the archetype file, and this can be time consuming for big sites.