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Image Processing From Assets Folder

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Last site update: 8 May 2024

Use this to get an image:

1{{ $src := .Get 0 }}
2{{- $image := resources.Get $src -}}
4<img src="{{ $image.Permalink }}" title="{{ .Get 1 }}">

The first line saves the string used in the first parameter of the shortcode as a variable we called $src. In this case the string is img/dinosaur.webp".

The next line uses that variable to retrieve the image using resources.Get and store that in a variable $image.

Finally the link to that image is added using the .Permalink method.

To use the shortcode, stored in the asset_image.html file, we write this in our markdown file:

1{{ asset_image "img/dinosaur.webp" "This is a T-Rex" }}

Image processing

Now here is something I’m unsure about. It looks like when you use image processing running hugo server the images aren’t actually resized. I think it maybe just injects some CSS to make them appear resized. I think the actual resizing only takes place when the site is published to the the public file using the hugo command. But, I’m uncertain at present.

A better way?

A briefer way might be to incorporate .GetMatch as in {{ $banner := resources.GetMatch "pathToYourImage" }} see Mert Bakir’s article